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Friday, March 19, 2010

The tajiri and the maskini ( An African Folktale)

The tajiri ate big meals. He was so stingy that instead of giving the leftovers to the poor people, he gave it to fatten his pig.

The maskini ate simple meals. He had porridge only. He also owned a goat who gave cheese and milk. He preferred eating meals beside the tajiri's kitchen window.(He did it because when he ate his porridge the wafting smells from the kitchen he thought the was eating a feast.)

One day, the tajiri saw the maskini eating his supper beside the tajiri's kitchen window and inhaling the smell. The tajiri was furious. He put the maskini into the village jail.

Next day, the maskini was summoned to go to the court. After deliberation, it was decided that the maskini was just smelling, he was not taking/stealing. Since the tajiri demanded the goat for return, his desires were a disaster and in return the tajiri was permitted to smell the maskini's goat.

Glossary- Word that are Bold

tajiri- In Africa, a rich man.
maskini- In Africa, a poor man.
furious- angry
deliberation- thinking a lot
permitted- allowed

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