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Thursday, April 8, 2010

Newfound Asteroid Will Fly Close by Earth Thursday (From

Tariq Malik Managing Editor
Tue Apr 6, 7:30 pm ET

A newly discovered asteroid will zip close by Earth Thursday, but poses no threat of crashing into our planet even though it is passing within the orbit of the moon.

The asteroid, called 2010 GA6, is a relatively small space rock about 71 feet (22 meters) wide and was discovered by astronomers with the Catalina Sky Survey in Tucson, Az. The space rock will fly within the orbit of the moon when it passes Earth Thursday at 7:06 p.m. EDT (2306 GMT), but NASA astronomers said not to worry...the planet is safe.

"Fly bys of near-Earth objects within the moon's orbit occur every few weeks," said Don Yeomans of NASA'sNear-Earth Object Office at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., in a statement.

At the time of its closest pass, asteroid 2010 GA6 will be about 223,000 miles (359,000 km) from the Earth. That's about nine-tenths the distance between Earth and the moon [more asteroid photos].

The space rock is not the first asteroid to swing close by Earth this year.

In January, the small asteroid 2010 AL30 passed within 80,000 miles (130,000 km) when it zipped by. Otherspace rocks have flown past Earth at more comfortable distances greater than several hundred thousand miles.

NASA routinely tracks asteroids and comets that may fly near the Earth with a network of telescopes on the ground and in space. The agency's Near-Earth Object Observations program, more commonly known asSpaceguard, is responsible for finding potentially dangerous asteroids and studying their orbits to determine if they pose a risk of hitting the Earth.

NASA's latest space telescope, the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) launched in December, has been given the task of hunting new asteroids that were previously undetectable because they shine only in the infrared range of the light spectrum.

So far, the WISE telescope has been discovering dozens of previously unknown asteroids every day. Some of those space rocks have been tagged for closer analysis since they may be potentially hazardous to Earth, WISE mission scientists have said. offers rich and compelling content about space science, travel and exploration as well as astronomy, technology, business news and more. The site boasts a variety of popular features including ourspace image of the day and other space pictures,space videos, Top 10s, Trivia, podcasts and Amazing Images submitted by our users. Join our community, sign up for our free newsletters and register for our RSS Feeds today!
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  • Hug Doug

    428 116

    Hug Doug Tue Apr 06, 2010 08:02 pm PDT Report Abuse

    i can't wait 'till NASA gets the funding for a new spaceship so we can visit one of these little rocks
    Replies (61)
  • dra

    138 79

    Dra Tue Apr 06, 2010 08:30 pm PDT Report Abuse

    If it impacted dry ground, a likely senerio could be like Meteor Crater in AZ.
    Replies (27)
  • gibb

    267 668

    Gibb Tue Apr 06, 2010 08:38 pm PDT Report Abuse

    NEWLY DISCOVERED ? you'd think that something that is going to be that close to us would have been "discovered" a while ago. what scientist fell asleep on their watch ?
    Replies (74)
  • Alvaron

    268 35

    Alvaron Wed Apr 07, 2010 04:08 am PDT Report Abuse

    It would be awesome if NASA provides some kind of picture of what it really looks like. I have never seen an asteroids before in my life except in holographic drawings.
    Replies (13)
  • Curt

    348 50

    Curt Wed Apr 07, 2010 07:01 am PDT Report Abuse

    Seems like we would hitch a free ride. NASA should try to put instruments and cameras on one that close. Sure would save rocket fuel.
    Replies (31)
  • Rob

    279 85

    Rob Wed Apr 07, 2010 08:14 am PDT Report Abuse

    Quick! Someone call John Cusack! He'll know what to do!
    Replies (28)
  • Joe

    74 168

    Joe Wed Apr 07, 2010 08:52 am PDT Report Abuse

    Would he drive a limo through everything and be the only thing not destroyed or would he fly a plane through everything and be the only object not destroyed. 2012: Best Movie Ever!
    Replies (8)
  • Sh1ttycat

    244 377

    Sh1ttycat Wed Apr 07, 2010 08:54 am PDT Report Abuse

    Good thing for global warming!
    The rising heat and thickening CO2 will deflect any asteroids that threaten us!
    Thank you Al Gore!
    Replies (49)
  • AlexT

    321 47

    AlexT Wed Apr 07, 2010 09:13 am PDT Report Abuse

    I'll take out my softball glove on Thursday.
    Replies (20)
  • Jamie

    122 248

    Jamie Wed Apr 07, 2010 09:18 am PDT Report Abuse

    The new thing Nasa should be doing is helping find thies things before one hits !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Replies (35)
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

and you say my michael jackson article was copied. atleast i didnt copy the comments too..